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Modernist City Centre

Dowiedz się dlaczego wczesnomodernistyczne Centrum Miasta Gdyni pretenduje do wpisu na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa Unesco.

„Gdynia is the only city in the world (I know) where the centre of the city goes directly into the sea”

- dr Jeremie Hoffmann, Tel Aviv University

Dowiedz się dlaczego wczesnomodernistyczne Centrum Miasta Gdyni pretenduje do wpisu na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa Unesco.

"Gdynia to jedyne miasto na świecie, którego centrum wychodzi bezpośrednio w morze. Tylko tu widzę taką otwartość i ukłon w jego stronę.”

dr Jeremie Hoffmann,
Tel Aviv University

Modernistyczne Śródmieście

Dowiedz się dlaczego wczesnomodernistyczne Centrum Miasta Gdyni pretenduje do wpisu na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa Unesco.

„Gdynia to jedyne miasto na świecie, którego centrum wychodzi bezpośrednio w morze. Tylko tu widzę taką otwartość i ukłon w jego stronę.”
- dr Jeremie Hoffmann, Tel Aviv University

Gdynia is a unique complex of modernist urban buildings

History of Modernist City Centre

Gdynia is a city created as a Polish dream, as a "window on the world". Starting from the first mention of the hamlet, dated the middle of the 13th century, for centuries Gdynia was a fishing village on the sea coast, and since the beginning of the 20th century also served in the summer season as a holiday destination. The key stage in the history of the city began after World War I, when Poland regained its independence and when the decision was made to build a seaport next to the village of Gdynia, a port which was to become a window on the world of the reborn State. The beginning of the construction of the port resulted in the creation of a city with a unique modernist centre, which became a candidate property for the UNESCO World Heritage List.


Modernizm wyrastał z silnej potrzeby społecznej misji, z poczucia społecznej sprawiedliwości. Wszystkim mieszkańcom chciano zapewnić godziwe warunki życia, równy dostęp do światła, widoku i powietrza. 

In architectural terms, Gdynia is an outstanding example of a city created during the formation of modernism after World War I, authentically possessing and reflecting the continuity of modernism throughout the 20th century, up to the present day.

It is a unique testimony to the ideas and forms of architectural expression representative of modernism in a specific time, cultural and natural context, as well as the continuity of these ideas and principles thanks to the positive, respectful work of subsequent generations of planners, builders and investors.


Gdynia miastem modernizmu

Gdynia miastem modernizmu

Miasto Gdynia zaprasza do odwiedzenia centrów modernizmu oraz sobotni Spacer architektoniczny
Gdynia miastem modernizmu

Gdynia miastem modernizmu

Miasto Gdynia zaprasza do odwiedzenia centrów modernizmu oraz sobotni Spacer architektoniczny
Śródmieście Gdyni Pomnikiem Historii

Gdynia City Centre submitted for the UNESCO List

The Early Modernist Centre of Gdynia has been officially submitted as a Polish candidate for inscription on UNESCO World Heritage List.
Śródmieście Gdyni Pomnikiem Historii

Gdynia Modernist City Centre - Monument of History

The President of the Republic of Poland Bronisław Komorowski recognised the urban layout of the City Centre of Gdynia as Monument of History.


Miasto budowane jako polskie marzenie, „okno na świat”, w ramach ambitnego planu gospodarczego, było jednocześnie polem do popisu dla młodych polskich architektów, urbanistów, dekoratorów i projektantów wnętrz. Miasto budowane jako polskie marzenie, „okno na świat”, w ramach ambitnego planu gospodarczego, było jednocześnie polem do popisu.

Gdynia is an outstanding and pioneering example of a completely new modernist city that was both an effect and an expression of innovativeness, created in the phase of modernism and built at an important historical moment – in the interwar period.

Wartości szkic


Essence of Modernism

Essence of Modernism

The "must see", jewels of Gdynia's modernism, the most famous monuments and icons of the city's architecture.
Sightseeing time
approx. 2h
10 Lutego Street - South Pier

10 Lutego Street - South Pier

Following the route to the sea, we are passing a few architectural "transatlantic ships", including the Housing Complex of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (National Development Bank), called "bankowiec", where it is worth checking the decorations of the staircases, or looking into their "well-holes".
Sightseeing time
approx. 2 hours
Świętojańska Street

Świętojańska Street

The most interesting modernist buildings on the route include two corner apartment houses, at the intersection of Świętojańska and Żwirki i Wigury Streets.
Sightseeing time
approx. 1 hour


Konferencja Modernizm w Europie, Modernizm w Gdyni

Conference “Modernism in

Europe - Modernism in Gdynia”
Weekend Architektury


Spacery z architekturą


with Architecture
10th international scientific conference

10th international scientific conference "Modernism in Europe - Modernism in Gdynia"

On 18-20 September 2025, the 10th international sc...
Event date:
18 September 2025


The Centre of Modernism

Gdynia Modernism Infobox

Gdynia Modernism Infobox

Gdynia Modernism InfoBox gathers information about Gdynia Early Modernist City Centre, which in 2015 was recognised as Historical Monument, and in 2024, by the decision of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, is the only Polish representative applying for inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Centre of Modernism in Gdynia

Centre of Modernism in Gdynia

The Centre of Modernism in Gdynia is located in a historical building from 1935-1936, one of the most characteristic modernist objects in Poland. It is also one of the most important buildings of the modernist city centre of Gdynia, created – which nowadays is hard to believe – in a very short time of just several years during the interwar period.

Explore Gdynia

City of sea and dreams. Less than a hundred years old, created as a Polish "window on the world". Gdynia means kilometers of sandy beaches and soaring cliffs, beech forests with dozens of hiking and cycling trails, hills with breathtaking views.

It is the attractive places of recreation, the forest, the sea in the city centre, modernist architecture and cultural and sports events that brings millions of visitors from all over the world to Gdynia every year. The city is famous for the hospitality of its residents. It also impresses with a high standard of living, the possibility of professional development, and, importantly, allows to live with passion. 

In Gdynia, every new day gives a reason to be happy. Forest in the morning, beach in the afternoon, boulevard in the evening. Here, we have time and appetite for life. We like to be together, we believe in dreams. We create a city in harmony with nature. We know the taste of happiness, and we know how to share it. Explore Gdynia and be our guest!

Poznaj Gdynię
