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Conservation works carried out in 2022, part 2/3

In 2022, as part of the monuments grant programme, financed from the budget of the City of Gdynia, works were carried out on 5 buildings entered individually in the register of monuments, and 9 located in areas entered in the register of monuments or included in the municipal register of monuments. Subsidies from the city budget amounted to over PLN 1,230,000.

Below is a brief historical outline and the scope of performed works of subsequent subsidised buildings, entered individually in the register of monuments.

Residential Building at no. 29 10 Lutego Street 
renovation of the rear façade

Widok na elewację tylną po renowacji oraz na portal wejściowy w trakcie i po zakończeniu prac

View of the rear façade after the renovation and the entrance portal during and after the works

The former officer's house of the Military Housing Fund built in 1929-1930 was designed by the famous architect Marian Lalewicz.
The renovation works of the rear façade began with exposing the original colours of plaster and metal balustrades of balconies. Then the metalwork of balconies and façade plasters was cleaned, including loose plaster. For the surface finish of the façade, a coloured mortar was used, with an appropriately sized grain, and reinforced with dispersed fibre. The cornices and stucco details were reconstructed with a mixture of mineral mortars based on trass and lime binder. The original colours of balcony railings and entrance portals have also been restored.

Residential Building at 52 Pułkownika Stanisława Dąbka Street
roof renovation

Widok na budynek i fragment więźby dachowej przed i po remoncie oraz detal wykończenia dachu dachówką karpiówką

View of the building and a fragment of the roof truss before and after the renovation, with a detail of the roof with plain tiles

The building was raised at the turn of the 1920s and 1930s. It is located within the protection zone of the rural complex of the former village of Oksywie and is a representative of the urban development of this part of the city. 
The subject of the work was to restore the original method of covering the roof with plain roof tiles in place of the existing onduline roofing. Therefore, it was also necessary to restore the original technical properties of the roof truss. Weak and damaged wooden elements were replaced, restoring the load-bearing capacity of the structure, new flashing and roof patching adapted to the plain tiles were made, and the roof tile was laid. Renovation works of the flat part of the roof and insulation of the attic floor were also carried out.

Residential Building at 28 Olsztyńska Street
renovation of the front and side façade (western)

Budynek przed i po renowacji

Building before and after renovation

Villa designed in 1934 by the famous Gdynia architect Maksymilian Zuske-Zdzierz for Stanisław Mocke. It survived the war without much damage. The façades are covered with precious plaster and terrazzo within the plinth and the entrance portal. Renovation of the portal and the entrance door, co-financed by the city, was carried out in 2021.
The repairs - subsidised in 2022 - included the renovation of the front and side façades. The façades were cleaned with superheated steam and cleaning paste, secondary repairs were removed, defects were supplemented with repair mortar and stucco was restored in their place, maintaining the historical method, also - on the balcony slab. On the plinth, the defects in the terrazzo technique were cleaned and completed. The window opening was also restored and the original window was uncovered in the recess, and the flashings were renewed and partially replaced.

Residential Building at 11 Starowiejska Street
renovation of the front façade

Widok na budynek przed i po renowacji oraz widok na elewację frontową po wykonaniu prac

View of the building before and after renovation and the view of the front elevation after work

Designed in 1929, the three-storey corner apartment house did not have any annexes, instead had two staircases, a passage gate and a commercial part on the ground floor. It was commissioned by Józef Tutkowski and remains in the hands of his descendants to this day.
In previous years, a subsidy was granted for the renovation of the façade from the side of Zygmunta Augusta Street. This time, the front elevation was renovated, from the side of Starowiejska Street.
The works included the removal of secondary layers of paints and plasters, preparation of the base and application of stucco, developed in accordance with the colours and nature of the original layer, and completingthe defects in terrazzo.

Residential Building at 37 Świętojańska Street,
renovation of the rear façade

Elewacja przed i po remoncie

Elevation before and after renovation

The facility was built in 1933-1934 at the request of Maksymilian Meik, by the architect and engineer Stanisław Żwirski. Apartment house in the frontage of Świętojańska Street was created in stages. Initially a four-storey house was extended by the fifth storey, retracted from the face of the façade.

In previous years, the building received support in the renovation of the front façade. This time, the subsidy was granted for the renovation of the rear façade. 
Secondary and damaged layers of plaster were removed using the steam method and the terrazzo plinth was cleaned using the abrasive method. Defects in the façade and plinth have been repaired, with restoration of the terrazzo layer and the coloured structural plaster. The colour of the façade was adopted in accordance with the previously exposed fragments.

Residential Building at 13 Zygmunta Augusta Street
roof flashing replacement

Widok na fasadę budynku oraz widok z dachu w kierunku dziedzińca po przeprowadzonych pracach

View of the façade of the building and the view from the roof towards the yard after the works

Since 1929, the building housed a branch of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (National Development Bank). It is the first example of vertical modernism in Gdynia, and one of the first buildings in the city centre without historicising details. It was designed in 1928 by Konstanty Jakimowicz.
The scope of the subsidised work included, replacing the flashings of the over-gutter and under-gutter strips, the sheet metal of the cornices and fire walls, and the gutters and drainpipes. The flashings and guttering were made in the same way as the original with galvanised steel sheet.

The remaining buildings renovated under the monuments grant programme, financed from the budget of the Municipality of Gdynia, will soon be presented in a separate article.

Autor: Luiza Skrzypkowska (l.skrzypkowska@gdynia.pl)