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Conservation works carried out in 2022, part 3/3

In 2022, as part of the monuments grant programme, financed from the budget of the City of Gdynia, works were carried out on 5 buildings entered individually in the register of monuments, and 9 located in areas entered in the register of monuments or included in the municipal register of monuments. Subsidies from the city budget amounted to over PLN 1,230,000.

Below is a brief historical outline and the scope of performed works of subsequent subsidised buildings, entered individually in the register of monuments.

Residential Building at 38 Krasickiego Street,
renovation of the rear and side façades

Widok na elewację tylną przed remontem oraz na elewacje tylną, boczną i frontowa po remoncie

View of the rear façade before renovation, and the rear, side and front façades after renovation

The building was raised in the 1930s a part of a semi-detached multi-family house. It has coloured plaster that is characteristic of the architecture of that period in Gdynia. During World War II, the side elevation was shelled, and bullet holes were preserved until renovated in 2022.

In 2021, the front elevation of the building was renovated with the support of the city of Gdynia. In the following year, the side and rear façades were renovated using the same plaster coating technology, and the reconstruction of the grooved window trims of the side façade. In the first phase of the renovation, the contractor developed a mix of mineral plaster to recreate the original coating. This plaster was made of a mixture of white cement and lime binders, with marble powder and the addition of mica. It was also used in the renovation of the rear and side façades. The works also included the replacement of tin work with zinc-titanium one. 

More information about this renovation - in a separate article.

Residential Building at 150 Morska Street
renovation of the front façade

lewacja i portal wejściowy przed i po renowacji

Elevation and entrance portal before and after renovation

A pre-war residential and commercial building from the 1930s, which belonged to Leon Kunkel, has a typical, dyed through, grooved plaster of the entrance portal and elements covered with terrazzo.
Renovation of the façade consisted primarily in repairing degraded plasters, cleaning them, supplementing the defects and the textural and color unification of the reconstructed places. The works within the plaster and the entrance portal were preceded by stratigraphic tests in order to determine the original colors. Among other things, the green color scheme of architectural details from stone plaster was restored.

Residential Building at 11 Władysława IV Street
renovation of the front façade

Widok na elewację frontową przed i po renowacji

View of the front elevation before and after renovation

The facility located in Gdynia City Centre was built in the 1930s. In the later 20th century, a body was added from the south.
Restoration of the original appearance of the façade began with the removal of unnecessary advertisement signs and cable wires. Next, the layers of paint were removed from the surface of the plaster and the façade was cleaned. The defects were supplemented with plaster created on the basis of the analysis of the original material. Corroded window sills were replaced, and terrazzo cladding under the windows and on the floor in the entrance area was restored. sources:

M. J. Sołtysik, "Na styku dwóch epok. Architektura gdyńskich kamienic okresu międzywojennego" ("At the Turn of Two Epochs. Architecture of the Apartment Houses of Gdynia in the Interwar Period"), "Alter Ego" S. Kitowski, Gdynia 2003

- Gdynia digital archive [online: 14.02.2023] Gdyniawsieci.pl

- decisions on the entry of the buildings in the register of monuments

- reports on the course of conservation and renovation works


Author: Luiza Skrzypkowska  (l.skrzypkowska@gdynia.pl)