Cities compared to Gdynia

Gdynia city centre is in some respects similar to other existing historical complexes in the world.

Among the unique cities and complexes of buildings that were created in the early phase of modernism, Gdynia can be compared to such places as Asmara, Lubljana, Kaunas, Tel Aviv, Ivrea, Berlin, Mumbai or Shanghai.

Gdynia also belongs to a small group of modern port cities, distinguished by exceptional cultural values, including, among others, Dalian, Le Havre, Mumbai, Rabat and Shanghai.

On the other hand, a special and unique set of features consisting in the fact that the city was created in the initial phase of modernism, developed in this spirit throughout the twentieth century, preserved the early modern urban structure, owns modernist buildings of high value and is a port city, with a high degree of authenticity and completeness - are the unique features of Gdynia city centre, which can be found in such a combination in no other city in the world.

fot: M. Sałatowski panorama Miasta nocą