Gdynia City Museum

A key urban cultural institution, one of the most important Partners in the field of research, promotion and education on the interwar architecture in Gdynia, including modernist architecture. The museum organises lectures, tours, workshops, as well as theme exhibitions. A part of the permanent exhibition "Gdynia - Open Work" was devoted to the interwar architecture of Gdynia, including the early functional architecture of Gdynia City Centre and its architects, planners and builders. The museum was also a partner and co-organiser of the award-winning exhibition "Gdynia – Tel Aviv", together with the Polin Museum in Warsaw, as well as the organiser of the monographic exhibition "BIRTH OF A CITY. GDYNIA MODERNISM IN THE INTERWAR PERIOD", created in 2014 under the curation of Dr. Jacek Friedrich, the then director of the Museum.

The City Museum of Gdynia, pursuing its mission, focuses on numerous activities around the topic of  Gdynia architecture. Protecting, educating, and raising awareness of modernist heritage are key to preserving it for future generations. This function is performed by exhibitions prepared by the Museum, including the award-winning exhibition "Szkło, metal, detal. Gdyński modernizm w szczegółach" ("Glass, metal, detail. Gdynia's Modernism in Detail"), and publications, such as the catalogue of the above-mentioned exhibition or – prepared for the youngest audience – "Pan Nowoczesny. Barwne życie w białej Gdyni" (“Mr. Modern. Colorful Life in White Gdynia"). The threads related to architecture are also present in the permanent exhibition "Gdynia – Open Work". The rich program of the Education Centre, which includes museum lessons, workshops and guided tours, is aimed at expanding knowledge about Gdynia's modernism and educating the audience on the preservation of architectural heritage. All of this is intended to reach researchers, historians and conservators, but above all – the enthusiasts of architectural detail, the residents of modernist apartment houses and tourists visiting Gdynia.

Currently, the institution's flagship projects are also the websites, important repositories of knowledge and visual resources:

  • – a comprehensive, bilingual portal devoted to Gdynia's architecture, designers, craftsmen and manufacturers of building materials and equipment; a knowledge base on the modernist architectural detail of Gdynia. The project "Szkło, metal, detal. Gdyński modernizm w sieci" ("Glass, metal, detail. Gdynia's Modernism Online") is a virtual journey to the interiors of modern buildings, along the route of construction materials, architectural details, modern technological solutions, and finally – manufacturers.
  • - a portal of digital visual resources, including photographs of apartment houses and other buildings, mainly from the interwar and occupation period.

The team of the Museum takes part in many successful activities, preparing and publishing projects related to the history of the interwar architecture.

The curators of museum exhibitions on modernism: Dariusz Małszycki, Weronika Szerle, Anna Śliwa. 

The director of the facility is Karin Moder


1 Zawiszy Czarnego, Gdynia