
The Church of St. Anthony and the Franciscan Monastery Complex


Zbigniew Kupiec

Year of built

Stage I: 1934-1939 Stage II: 1957-1974

The Church of St. Anthony and the Franciscan Monastery Complex

The conceptual works of the church and the monastery took the period between 1934 and 1939, and their author was Zbigniew Kupiec, who himself offered to create the project. In 1938, a monastery was built, and the outbreak of the war prevented the construction of the church.

The construction began only in October 1957 and was not completed until 1974. The dominant element of the two-nave church is an asymmetrical body, with subordinate elements. Clear influences of Gothic architecture are visible through the perpendicular tower, rough brick, and the entrance porticoes, while the whole church gives an example of simplified cubist forms modeled on modernist architecture. The seemingly simple design hides a lot of interesting details, such as entrance doors or fish door handles. Zbigniew Kupiec also designed bas-reliefs for the exterior and interior of the church.

In the 1980s the interior of the church was rebuilt, which changed the location of the main altar, but fortunately it did not change the original concept of the building. At the level of the roof, and at the foot of the tower, there is a specifically expanding "nest", which, according to the design, was intended for a clock, but the idea was never realised. In 2016, the facility was entered in the register of monuments situated in Gdynia.

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