
Adam Jurkowski Apartment House


Tadeusz Kossak, Zbigniew Kupiec

Year of built


Jurkowski Apartment House

The apartment house was designed for a professor at the University of Poznań, by the famous duo of Cracow-Lviv architects: Zbigniew Kupiec and Tadeusz Kossak.

It is one of the best architectural solutions of the 1930s – as the only apartment house in Gdynia, it implements the postulate of Le Corbusier's "free façade" on all floors. Another interesting feature is the spacious interior hall, with the light added by the glazed rear wall of the building. Built in an international style and "luxury trend", the façade of the apartment house is lined with sandy clinker and cut horizontally with the use of a ribbon of mahogany windows.

Buildings to see on the route

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