
Budynek Poczty Polskiej


Julian Puterman-Sadłowski, Antoni Miszewski

Year of built


Postal and Telegraph Office (currently the Main Post Office)

It is the earliest public utility building made in the modernist style – with rhythmic glazing of large windows.

It comes from the first phase of Gdynia's modernism, i.e. early functionalism. Designed by the Warsaw architects Julian Puterman-Sadłowski and Antoni Miszewski in 1928, the building was finally completed almost a decade later, during the redevelopment, when it was raised by one floor. Until World War II, above the main entrance there was a monumental bas-relief with the image of an eagle and two allegorical figures. The building burnt down in 1945.

Buildings to see on the route

Map of the route

See the routes of the Modernist City Centre

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