
City Market Hall Complex in Gdynia


Jerzy Müller, Stefan Reychman

Year of built


City Market Hall Complex

The complex of buildings with a characteristic shape was built in 1936-1938 according to the design of Jerzy Müller and Stefan Reychman.

It is the unique structure of the main arched hall that attracts attention, the structure considered to be one of the most interesting buildings of the Polish interwar architecture. The supporting structure of the main hall consists of nine steel trusses, 18 metres high, with a span of 35 metres. The opening of the market hall complex was a widely described and commented event in the national press. Not only the architectural and structural advantages of the project were emphasised, but also the modern equipment and model solutions for the organisation of trade inside the facility. By design, the complex was divided into a meat and dairy section, and a green grocery section, while fish trade was placed in a separate hall. The entire complex is connected by underground warehouses, which currently house commercial and cultural spaces.

The building is one of the many monuments of Gdynia which still performs their originally intended function. The arched hall can not only be visited, but also the visitors are able to use its rich commercial offer. In the period of the Polish People's Republic, the hall complex was one of the main tourist attractions in Gdynia, although mainly due to the offer of many products unavailable on a daily basis in most grocery stores or department stores at that time.

Buildings to see on the route

Map of the route

See the routes of the Modernist City Centre

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