
Antoni Ogończyk-Bloch and Leon Mazalon Apartment House


Leon Mazalon i Stefan Koziński

Year of built


Antoni Ogończyk – Bloch and Leon Mazalon Apartment House

The building was raised in 1936-1937 for the lawyer Antoni Ogończyk-Bloch and the architect Leon Mazalon, who was also the co-author of the design (together with Stefan Koziński).

This is one of the most original architectural compositions of the interwar period, not only on the local scale. The authors were inspired by the expressionist designs of the architects of the Amsterdam school, the difference being the choice of a bright, light-reflecting façade, instead of a brick one.

The rounded and glazed corner designed for the so-called winter gardens adds modernity and prestige to the house. The expressive line of the building emphasised by a stylish "S-shape" and the wide southern façade with characteristic rows of "wavy" balconies as if glued to the colorful plaster, is full of movement and chiaroscuro.

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