Modernism Unknown

We start the walk at the building of the District Court in Konstytucji Square. Next, we continue along Wójta Radtkego Street to the City Market Hall Complex (3). This is one of the most innovative objects that were created in the interwar period in Europe.

Next, we reach the Fisherman's House representing late art déco, and the House of Swedish Sailor (5), which is an example of late functionalism. A block away, we have an example of art déco in the Municipal Headquarters of the State Fire Service (6). In Kaszubski Square, it is worth paying attention to the Szudziłowski Apartment House (7). Żeromski Street leads to the YMCA building, raised just after the war with American donations.
Opposite the YMCA entrance, we can see the "crystal" House of Cotton. Walking on, we will discover an impressive solid body of the Navy canteen which recalls the works of the Bauhaus school architects. As a final treat, we have a look at the late art déco building of the former State Meteorological Institute (11 – currently: the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management), overlooked by a modernist steel measuring tower.

Buildings to see on the route

Map of the route

Moderna nieznana

See the routes of the Modernist City Centre

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